Pubblicazioni scientifiche
- Schweizerische Ärztezeitung, 2018: Organspende in der Schweiz – explizite oder vermutete Zustimmung?
- Importance and Potential of European Cross-Border Deceased Donor Organ Allocation Through FOEDUS-EOEO Platform
- Clinical prediction model for prognosis in kidney transplant recipients (KIDMO): study protocol
- Organ donation after circulatory death as compared with organ donation after brain death in Switzerland – an observational study
- Organspende: Lange Wartezeiten für Patientinnen und Patienten
- COVID-19 pandemic and worldwide organ transplantation: a population-based study
- Supplementary appendix: COVID-19 pandemic and worldwide organ transplantation: a population-based study
- Impact of cardiopulmonary resuscitation on organ donation in Switzerland
- In the eye of the hurricane: the Swiss COVID-19 pandemic stepwise shutdown approach in organ donation and transplantation
- SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19 in patients on the Swiss national transplant waiting list
- Recommended shielding against COVID-19 impacts physical activity levels in adults with cystic fibrosis
- Systemwechsel kann Leben retten
- Nationales Organspenderegister – wo stehen wir heute?
- Donation after circulatory death today: an updated overview of the European landscape
- Erfolgreiche Lancierung des Nationalen Organspenderegisters
- Management of allergy transfer upon solid organ transplantation
- Positive Tendenzen im Bereich Organspende
- Neuer Höchststand an Organspendern in der Schweiz
- Is there an association between consent rates in Swiss hospitals and critical care staffs’ attitudes towards organ donation, their knowledge and confidence in the donation process?
- Deceased organ donation activity and efficiency in Switzerland between 2008 and 2017: achievements and future challenges
- Erstes nationales Organspenderegister
- Extended-criteria donors in lung transplantation in Switzerland: an evaluation of two adapted lung donor scores
- Organspende in der Schweiz – explizite oder vermutete Zustimmung?
- Marginal organ allocation: old and new REALity
- Eine Chance für die Schweizer Transplantationsmedizin
- Aktuelle Entwicklungen auf dem Gebiet der Organspende und Transplantation in der Schweiz
- Attitudes towards organ donation and relation to wish to donate posthumously
- Organ donation after cardiocirculatory death in Switzerland: a review
- Mehr Organe für Transplantationen
- Neue Weiterbildungsmöglichkeit zum Thema Organspende
- Repräsentative Bevölkerungsumfrage - Ergebnisse der DemoSCOPE Erhebung
- Rechtliche Aspekte der Organzuteilung – Licht und Schatten
- Organ donation after circulatory death in Switzerland: slow but constant progress
- Heart allocation and transplantation in Switzerland since the introduction of the Swiss Organ Allocation System (SOAS)
- Swiss Monitoring of Potential Organ Donors (SwissPOD): a prospective 12-month cohort study of all adult ICU deaths in Switzerland
- Organ donation in Switzerland – an analysis of factors associated with consent rate
- Organ donation in Switzerland: a survey on marginal or extended criteria donors (ECD) from 1998 to 2009
- Assessing the potential of international organ exchange – the Swiss experience
- Patient Characteristics of Deceased Organ Donors in Switzerland 1998–2008
- Organ transplantation in Switzerland: impact of the new transplant law on cold ischaemia time and organ transports
- Die Schweiz bewegt sich
- Dringlichkeit vs. Nutzen bei der Allokation von Organen
- Strategien zur Erhöhung der Organspenderzahlen
- Wiedereinführung des Non-Heart-Beating-Donor-Programms in der Schweiz?
- Donor Evaluation Tool: A New Technology Improves Donor Enrolment on ICU
- Selection Bias in Reporting of Median Waiting Times in Organ Transplantation
- Evolution of Deceased Organ Donation Activity Versus Efficiency Over a 15-year Period: An International Comparison
- Cardiac transplantation in a neonate—First case in Switzerland and European overview
- International collaboration and organ exchange in Switzerland
- The Certification of Transplant Coordinators in Europe
- Was muss der praktizierende Arzt über das Transplantationsgesetz und dessen Auswirkungen wissen?